Monday, August 17, 2009

August 16, 2009: Mom and I visit Clayton, NM

Katie, Jennifer, and Gary
While we were in North Dakota, Mom mentioned she would like to visit Katie and Gary in Clayton sometime. So, now that I'm on a three-week break, I decided now would be a good time to make the trip.

Our family moved to Clayton in 1962 because Dad got a job with the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) here. I attended Clayton High School from 1962 to 1964, graduating that year. My sister Katie met her future husband Gary when they were in Mrs. Stubblefield's second-grade class, and they married in 1975. They've lived in Clayton--or, rather, two miles west--since 1981.

Mom and I left Albuquerque at 2:30 yesterday, Monday, and arrived close to 7 p.m. Jennifer, Kevin's wife and Gary's sister, was in the kitchen making fried squash when we arrived. She was the main reason Mom and I came yesterday because Jen was flying to Louisiana early today and will be joining Kevin in Sakhalin next month, so we wanted to see her before she left.
Gary in his garden
Charlie and Sue Alsup, Gary and Jennifer's parents, arrived not long afterward for supper. We had squash and green bean's from Gary's garden, bourbon-basted salmon and steak he fixed on the grill, and lemon rice pilaf and anadama bread Katie made. Oh, and as an appetizer, Kate served cream cheese smothered in raspberry-chipotle sauce with crackers. Num! And I can't forget to mention the wonderful homemade red Sue, Jennifer, and Charliewine Gary took from his racks.

After supper, we sat around visiting for awhile, and then Jen said she needed to leave and get packed for her trip to Louisiana. Charlie and Sue left at the same time, and then perhaps five minutes later, Amy arrived. She'd called her mom earlier and decided to drive from Amarillo, where she's living now, to spend the night here and see her Grandma Lois.

Mom at the dining room table in Kate and Gary's houseThis morning was leisurely. Kate made us bacon and eggs, and Mom and I sat around drinking coffee while Mom looked at some of Katie's many picture albums. She also brought out a couple of boxes of stuff--photos and memorabilia--that she took home with her from Mom's apartment when Mom moved to Rehab Center of Albuquerque. Mom's been looking at this stuff and old pictures all morning and into the afternoon.

A little later, we're going to take a drive out to Clayton Lake and also take a tour of the two houses we lived in here in Clayton: the first one on Cherry Street across from the high school stadium and the second one on Maple Street.

Then this evening, we're going to Sue and Charlie's house for dinner.

Life is good here in Clayton.


  1. Just read a hilarious blog about lutefisk at Scarey stuff.

  2. I searched for mention of lutefisk but didn't find it...
